Too Many Plants?

Too Many Plants?

Winter Bee Garden

Is there such a thing as too many plants?

In addition to the raised beds with the cutting flowers, I have several perennial mixed beds in the yard. I’ve lived here 9 years now, and started from scratch with the gardens. Every year I tell myself I’m not going to add or expand another garden, usually by July I’m itching for something different.

And of course every spring there’s just so many new plants at the garden centers! I want ALL. THE. PLANTS.

This month several things conspired to get me overboard.

Last fall, with the help of my intrepid DIL, we added a Woodland Garden. I’m doing my best to keep to the plan, using native shrubs and small trees instead of perennials. This spring I ordered 6-8 plants from our Conservation District for the Woodland and Bee Gardens. They sell only native and pollinator-friendly plants so I usually get a few every year.

My grandson was helping me plant daffodil bulbs in the Woodland Garden. He likes augers too! haha

Then…my local 4-H Camp holds an annual auction and this year had many plants left over. They were selling them dirt cheap and I’m not sure how it happened but 16 plants came home with me.

Last weekend was our local Garden Club plant sale and I didn’t even bother counting. In my defense, I also picked up quite a few geraniums and such for pots, so not all of them need to go in the garden. My DIL, aka partner in crime, was with me and we just keep saying to each other, “Oh, I think you really need that!”

If you don’t have a gorilla cart, get one. They’re fabulous.

Needless to say, I’m a bit bonkers now with needing to get these plants in the ground and keeping up with the cut flower seedlings as well. Especially since I have no idea where half of them are going to go. Can anyone else relate?

Let’s not forget the usual weeding and mulching! Spring is a busy time but I wouldn’t have it any other way.