My First Bouquet Workshop

My First Bouquet Workshop

Winter Bee Garden

Last week marked my first ‘Make a Bouquet’ workshop. It was offered at the MWR Library on the Navy Subase in Groton. There were 11 youth and adults and we had a great time!

This is my official gardener lady outfit. It is adorable from Gudrun Sjoden. I’m on the hunt for the perfect tee to wear underneath.

There were a few panicky moments before the class, wondering if I would have enough flowers! We offered space for 10, but luckily I planned for 12. There was plenty for all- the back of my car was full of flowers.

We talked about the five elements of a bouquet (borrowing heavily from Floret Flowers) and tips for keeping flowers fresh. We identified the flowers I brought and which element they filled. The gladiolas and frosted explosion grass were the favorites.

Then the real fun began! Everyone received a pint-size mason jar to build their bouquet and went home with a packet of flower food.

I wish I thought to get a photo or two of the finished arrangements, maybe next time I’ll remember. The bouquets were beautiful, full of personality, and all were pleased.

With one mason jar left, there was just enough flowers left for me to make a thank you arrangement for my friend Marguerite, the MWR Library Director.

My second workshop is this week, at the Salem Free Public Library. Wish me luck it goes as well as this one!

Until next time, dear gardening friends. ♥