The Garden in Fall ’22

The Garden in Fall '22

Winter Bee Garden

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Allan Saunders (and later on John Lennon).

That’s what happened this summer. And now I have a new gardening assistant- my mom! She came to live with me and Mr. Bee in August following the death of her husband. It was enough for me keeping up with the garden and bouquet subscriptions, and the blogs fell by the wayside. [In case you didn’t know, I share a fashion and lifestyle blog with my friend Rachel too!]

But now I’m back on track. I took photos this summer, planning on posts that I will publish later. For right now I want to update you all in ‘real’ time.

I can’t believe how many plants are still pumping out the blooms in the second week of October.

I wrote earlier about my concern for the zinnias, caused by a severe nitrogen deficiency in the soil. That set back the zinnias and dahlias by a couple weeks. Then early September temperatures went from high 80 and 90 degrees (F) to poof! overnight into the 70’s. The poor zinnias never had a chance.

There are lots of buds but it’s just too cool now for them to bloom. Zinnias are super-heat lovers. [ PS. that red pompom in the distance is Dahlia ‘Cornel.’] The pretty red and cream stripe zinnia in front is ‘Mazurka.’ A handful of ‘Queen Lime Red.’

The dahlias, though, don’t mind the cooler weather and I’m picking enough to use in subscriptions and extra orders. Fingers crossed we don’t have a frost until November.

Look how delish this one is!

I look at the beds and start biting my nails, wondering if I’ll have enough flowers. Mother Nature is always more abundant than I imagine. Look at the bounty from this past Saturday. ♥

The Garden Superstars for this year are the cosmos and Jewels of Opar (Limon Talinum). They are going strong still. I did a second sowing of cosmos which are just coming into bloom, and the flowers are twice the size of the spring-planted. And vibrant color! In the photo above the pink cosmos, bottom right, are 2nd sowing, and the pink on the left, spring.

Jewels of Opar sprays are so delicate, it’s hard to see them individually in this photo. All of my customers raved about them this summer and their unique sparkle in arrangements. This is a definite for next year. I learned the hard way not to pick them when they’re flowering- you wait until the tiny red seeds have formed. The chartreuse foliage is astonishing in the garden too!

Let’s talk about sunflowers! I did a late summer sowing and I’m so glad I did! They started blooming about a week ago and add needed oomph to fall bouquets.

That’s all I’m saying for now on sunflowers, because I want to share so much about them, they deserve their own post. hehe.

Two more autumn staples! Salvia ‘Victoria Blue.’ My goodness, the depth of color when the weather cooled is stunning. As the snapdragons wane away, the salvia provides a spiky element to bouquets.

I decided to try Pincushion Flower (scabiosa) on a whim this year, and I loooove them, especially ‘Black Knight.’ I bought a six-pack last summer at a nursery and was not impressed. These are amazing, with wiry, 18″ stems on some of them! I already have seeds bought for 2023.

That’s what’s happening in the garden right now! I hope you’re finding peace and color in your garden too. And if you don’t garden but love flowers, I hope this post cheered you up.

Talk to you soon!

Pam ❀