First Frost in 2022, Round 1

First Frost in 2022, Round 1

Winter Bee Garden

I was on vacation when the first frost nipped the flowers. I can’t get critical since that was on October 29, which is crazy late.

Not all the plants were toasted, but it signaled the beginning of the end for the flowers. I had to harden my heart and start ripping out plants.

The elephant ears were done. [Admittedly, they are still in the ground because the bulbs are so big I can’t get them out. I need more muscle.] Some of the zinnia and dahlia blooms suffered but not all, which was promising.

So where to begin in the great cleanup?

I started with the easy ones- sunflowers and strawflowers were already done blooming so those went. Most of the cosmos were finished too.

Although it is great sadness to button up the garden, it is cathartic to tidy things up.

This little cart that attaches to the quad is the best thing ever. Mr. Bee got it for free from a customer and it’s rusty as all heck, but it hauls everything, from rocks to plants to grandchildren.

The Jewels of Opar literally melted LOL. They were a squishy mess.

All was not lost though! There were some dahlias untouched, and more zinnias too. The snapdragons and salvia were unscathed. Yay for more bouquets! [For another week, at least.]

It’s heartening to see the re-seeded plants soldiering on. Chamomile, bachelor buttons, larkspur, and love-in-a-mist reseeded themselves and will (hopefully) overwinter to be nice, sturdy plants in early spring.

And while I’m plodding away in the cutting garden, here is my intrepid assistant, who kindly cleaned up the perennial bed in front of the house.

As the title implies, there is lots more happening to clean up the cutting garden. Plus I still have LOTS of bulbs I still need to get in the ground. Stay tuned for Round 2 of the Autumn Clean-up!

What’s happening in your garden (if you have one)? If you’re out in this chilly fall weather, stay warm!

Hugs, ’til next time, gardening friends! Pam